Where to buy Kerosene ATM dispensing machine in Kenya has been a query to many investors who want to join the business of paraffin sales. Tassmatt Limited is the accredited sellers and distributors of quality, efficient and cost effective kerosene atm machines in Kenya that are easy to use and safe. Armed with an online shop www.tassmatt.com, buyers have an opportunity to buy the best kerosene atm machine hustle free and get it delivered and installed.
Cost of Kerosene ATM Machine In Kenya
The paraffin atm machines sold at Tassmatt Limited are cost effective and uses the single face electric that is normally used at home, users just need to plug the machine at socket. They range from 65,000 to 100,000Kshs depending on various factors.
The kerosene atm machines uses a high quality PLC Machine that is calibrated in Kenya Shillings and can dispense paraffin for as low as 10Kshs. The plc is password protected and keep sales record.
The paraffin atm machine comes in different capacity in volume and the body is made with temperature regulating material.
The machine are as easy as ABCD to operate, clean and can easily be moved from one point to another.
They come with one year warranty and can be branded to customers taste.
Buy paraffin atm machine in Kenya via: https://tassmatt.com/product-category/kerosene-paraffin-atm/